Microsoft bot emulator mac

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Oh, and the V4 emulator also now works as expected/as above.Ĭheck your firewall, restart the web site and the emulator. Shows the request was being sent to the bot, but it only gets to if(Middleware.RejectMessageBasedOnTenant(activity, activity.GetTenantId())īefore saying 'couldn't send' - I haven't followed the instructions ('Set the OFFICE_365_TENANT_FILTER key in web.config file with Tenant Information') yet, but wanted to post this to give a set of steps you can try taking. Putting a breakpoint on the first line of public async Task Post(Activity activity, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Pointed the older emulator at the endpoint (my sample was running on - web page visible in Edge at the root of this url so I knew that part was ok) and it loaded, did version checks etc, (so log window not blank)Įvery message still says 'couldn't send' but now says 'retry'. I downloaded 3.5.6 and ran it, Windows asked to confirm it was allowed to communciate through the firewall, said yes The log window was blank, and I saw 'couldn't send' (no retry)

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I also had the same result, running V4 PREVIEW 40025 of the emulator.